Herb McFee goes walking down
A something known as “Wall”
But is he there inside his head?
No, he’s not there at all
Inside his head he’s scampered off
To the land Esrevni Dnal.
In this strange land, the grass is blue
And grass-green are the skies
But Herbie can’t see anything
Unless he shuts his eyes
The sun is shining brightly
Which makes surroundings dim
And Herbie is annoyed
That all the trees are climbing him
So Herb jumps in a pond
Where swimming makes him dry
Then he’s overwhelmed with happiness
And begins to whine and cry
So he takes a boat across the land
And a train across a lake
Where he finds a lot of healthy food
Like jellybeans and cake
Then it’s 9 a.m., and the sun goes down
And Esrevni Dnal is still
And Herbie walks until he sees
A wall stuck in a hill
He wants to walk on top of it
So he runs across the lawn
Then he jumps on the wall in Esrevnie Dnal
And falls off the wall he’s on.
verdant instead of grass-green? OK go sleep. I'll get to work.