A cow went out on a bright, sunny day
And performed an impeccable “Moo”
The goats all heard, and gave applause
The chickens acknowledged it too
“That was a simply perfect Moo!”
The lowly hens called out
“Yes! Moo again! It was so nice!”
The happy goats did shout
The flattered cow felt flushed and hot
He wasn’t often praised
In his mind, he
was burger meat
Since that’s how he was raised
“C’mon, cow! Encore!” cried the goats
“Please give another Moo!”
And so the cow prepared his throat
And did what he could do
“Moo,” he said, but it was soft
As timid as a mouse
The hens could barely hear it
In their flimsy old henhouse
“That’s it?” they asked, “That’s all you got?
That wimpy little note?
What happened? Did you choke
Upon the cud within your throat?”
The bashful cow turned tail and fled
His muzzle burned with shame
Without a proper Moo
He felt he’d never be the same
So from then on he lived alone
And how his heart did ache
He didn’t even realize:
“Hey! At least I’m not a steak!”
Though he’d escaped, he never thought
“I’m free! I’m born anew!”
He only thought, “I wish I’d had
A more consistent Moo.”