My tongue is long
The desert's dry
Oh hidey ho, oh hidey hi
My blood is cold
So I sun on rocks
With one eye open
To look for hawks
The cacti are friends
I know them by name
That one over there
I call Spikey Maclaine
At night I hang out
In the skull of a horse
Where I meet my friends Igor
And Charlie of course
I ask how their day been
I ask what they ate
I ask if they had a close call
With a snake
"As big as a hose!
With a ten-inch long tooth!"
(That's Charlie--he sometimes
Elongates the truth)
We drink water, and when
We run out, we drink dust
From the cow skull we watch
The sky fade into dusk
The more dusky it gets
The more sleepy we feel
'Specially if we have had
A few bugs for a meal
The cacti stand guard
While we snooze for a bit
In my dream, my tongue's short
And the desert is wet
But when I awake
Hidey ho, hidey hi
My tongue is long
And the desert's dry