What a lovely thing to be
All foot loose and fancy free
Ain’t nobody here with a leash on me
I’m free as a beast or a bird.
The only thing I’ve got to do
Is feed myself and use the loo
Besides that there’s no social glue
To keep me locked up in a house.
I don't have kids to keep alive
No mortgage and no nine to five
No furniture, no car to drive
I’m just a sovereign mouse.
And so you’ll find me here and there
One backpack with clean underwear
And one toothbrush for dental care
Is all that’s on my back.
I’ll be one day in a river canoe
The next day in a chimney flue
And then next week in Timbuktu
There’s no predicting that.
For I think there's a magnet that pulls me along
A crazy one that's often wrong
But how to resist it? It’s much too headstrong
I guess I’ll just be its steel wool.
And I’m lucky as well that the magnet is me...
Which is why I am foot loose and so fancy free
Why there's nobody here with a leash on me
Why I’m free as a beast or a bird.