A nippity vruku discovered a vreet
The vreet was unvrooking a mile from Crete
The nippity vruku was fildabbing moko
When he spotted a vreet just beneath the yondoko!
The nippity vruku was filbously zagged
He shomped up and down and sudruckled a klag
He gnarbled the vreet from beneath the yondoko
And gnorbilded the vreet with his poky fonzoko
But the vreet was galeesty and snackled a quat
He smormled the vruku with kibbledome guat
The vruku manuzled, gantucky hibbay
And zyped as the vreet ganooblobled away
“Ig moondom spakini!” cried out the vruku
“Ty babut! Skag narmit! Feen guppo baduku!”
And the vreet in reply said, “Van noople gloop snoo.
Izblat wuntifatacus snorp pleck phai-floo.”
Which made Mr. Vruku funjuckle with rage
He wanted that vreet pockled up in a cage!
So he yimpered and jimpered and frockled his bambits
And hired some thugs to filluple the snambits
But the vreet was mandoopledump hipyopper whappy
And snickled the vruku from bappy to xappy
And that's what the vreet tells all his galoko
While sipping gognobble beneath the yondoko
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