I get creeped out by skeletons
I’m terrified of skulls
I hate to see those bare-bone teeth
And cavernous eyeholes
I can’t stand to see a rib cage
And I always loathed the day
In Health class when I had to look
At knobby vertebrae
Yes, the thought of all those boney bits
Stuck inside me, out of sight
Made my poor patellas knock
With unalleviated fright
So I found a chiropractor
Dr. Fink Cornelius Grout
And said, “Owning bones is scary!
Kindly take the buggers out!”
So he did! Now I’m a sack of skin
Stuffed with blood and guts and gall
It’s great! I just sit in a clump on the floor
And I don’t feel creepy at all