Friday, June 28, 2013

There's A Big Brown Bear In My Pear Tree

There’s a big brown bear in my pear tree
And a goose in my needly spruce
The apes all live in the maple
Drinkin’ syrup like it’s juice.
I keep some frogs in the dogwood
And great hairy goats in the oaks
The pigs all live in the fig trees
Puttin’ figs down their piggy throats.
I’ve got a macaw in the pawpaw
And a gnu in the big bamboo
I’ve got a boar in the sycamore
And a hawk in the hemlock, too.
I’ve got an armadilla in the willah
And it’s spring, so the buds are bloomin’
I’d live in a tree myself except
Ain’t no tree rhyme with human.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I Live In A Plastic Hamster Ball

I live in plastic hamster ball
You can push me back and forth
You can roll me down a hill until
I can’t tell south from north

I live in a plastic hamster ball
I’m safe from fights or scuffles
The voices from the outside world
Sound muted, vague and muffled

I live in a plastic hamster ball
It’d flood if I happened to cry
But I don’t mind when rainclouds weep
In here, I’m warm and dry

I live in a plastic hamster ball
The thing I don’t like is the sun
When heat gets trapped, it’s boiling hot
I’m roasted from rare to well-done

I live in a plastic hamster ball
I have nothing to breath but old breath
They say that it’s good to recycle
But I think I’m recycling to death

I live in a plastic hamster ball
I can’t chew myself out with my teeth
So I spin round and round in my one-person town
While the giant Earth spins on beneath

Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Crumb Complains He's Purposeless

“I’m purposeless!” complained the crumb
“I’m meaningless and small!”
But then a voice spoke from above:
“Hey, that’s not true at all.
You’re part of something larger,
Something grand,” the wise voice said.
“You mean God or the Universe?”  
“No, you idiot. Bread.”