Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Whimsy Tree

There once was a wondrous Whimsy Tree
It never bore the same fruit twice
It sometimes grew green apples
But it sometimes grew pink mice
Last autumn, it grew pinwheels
But in winter it grew socks
And then in spring it grew fur hats
And painted cuckoo clocks
That summer it bloomed kangaroos
And even grew a beard
But then it grew a lumberjack…
And strangely disappeared.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Lost Cat

I lost my flea-ridden, one-eyed cat
His name is Nasty Fritz
He's four years old, he smells like fish
He scratches and he spits

I put up posters everywhere
With a picture of Nasty Fritz sleepin’
The posters say: IF YOU FIND THIS CAT

Mr. Randy Rylids

Mr. Randy Rylids has bottle cap eyelids
Which is rather worse than you might think
‘Cause Mr. Randy Rylids with his bottle cap eyelids
Needs a bottle opener to blink

Invisible Friend

I took my invisible friend to school
"Get out!" said the teacher, Ms. Blee
But I guess it was school for invisible kids
‘Cause the teacher was pointing to me

Rapunzel, Rapunzel

Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your long hair
The witch is vacationing somewhere, I swear
I heard her tell someone she’d be gone two weeks
Now let me climb up there and smooch your sweet cheeks

Prince Charming, Prince Charming, is that you down there?
Of course, I will let you ascend my long hair
Start climbing at once! There’s no need to think twice
And while you’re at it, please pick out the lice.

Ms. Brady the Lunch Lady

I don’t know why, and I don’t know how
But I’ve developed a very strong crush
On Ms. Brady the lunch lady; she’s sixty-two
And she makes the most mouth-watering mush
I see her each day at eleven past noon
And as soon as I pick out a tray
I run to the very front of the line
And ask, "What's the special today?"
Her three chins wobble when she says, “FISH SOUP”
And I go shakey-weak in the knees
And I shyly say, “Yes, please.”
I devour my soup and go back for more
Always eager to visit my crush
And I can't be certain, but I think she winks
When she serves me seconds of mush

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Werewolf and the Wereman

Every full moon, the handsome wereman Jack
Would have to sneak off and leave the wolf pack
‘Cause he knew that he’d be shunned from his clan
If they ever found out that he was sometimes a man
Well, in a nearby town lived the werewolf Bruce
And every full moon, he had to make some excuse
To leave his family—just like Jack
So as not to give his wife a heart attack
Well, it happened one night in a moonlit glade
That Jack saw Bruce, but he wasn’t afraid
“You’re not a wolf,” he said, “I can tell…
You’ve got a distinctive human smell.”
“You’re right!” said Bruce, “and you must not be a man!
You smelled me out the way that only wolves can.”
Well, Jack and Bruce began to chat about their lives
About their illness, their sadness and their wives
They agreed that their full moon nights were bleak
They hated sneaking off, and they felt like freaks
“And besides, every full moon I make some excuse…
I think my wife’s getting suspicious,” said Bruce.
“Mine too!” agreed Jack. “She doesn’t understand…
And I can’t bring myself to tell her that I’m a wereman.”
They had so much in common, it felt good to confess
They agreed their diseases were causing them stress
They also noticed that they looked a lot like one another
Bruce’s wolf self could have easily been Jack’s twin brother
So by the time morning came, with the sun’s first gleam
They’d hatched up a rather clever scheme
A plan they would follow until they grew old
So they’d never have to spend the night lonely and cold
Which explains why Bruce's wife occasionally said:
“Goodness, Bruce! On certain evenings, you’re an animal in bed.”

Half Cocoons

I once spotted three half-cocoons on a leaf
While I was out cleaning the gutter
But as they were only half-cocoons
The only thing they hatched was butter

Little Miss Cabbage Hands

Little Miss Cabbage Hands ought to be pitied
Wherever she goes, the smell of cabbage lingers
But she’s lucky no one likes the taste of cabbage very much
Poor Miss Cookie Hands is missing seven fingers

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Procrastination Demon

i procrastinate and wait too long
wait 'til noon just to make breakfast tea
and i have no excuses, except for the demon
who comes in the night to me

he's the procrastination demon; he's got two demon tits
and he beckons to me, calling "suckle please!"
i can't help but gorge on procrastination milk
until i'm stuffed and woozy, wobbly in the knees

the next morning i pile trash on top of the trash
i watch as the laundry pile grows
i tuck away bills, let my inbox grow fat
don't trim the long nails on my toes

my boss calls, says: "haven't you done such and such?"
i say i'm sick, needing my rest
i want to say, you'd understand if at night
you were faced with those horrible breasts

i procrastinate shopping, my pantry is bare
i eat spoonfuls of white enriched flour
i lie in bed hungry, procrastinate sleep
'til the clock strikes the demon breast hour

and then, just as always, the devil appears
he bangs on my window panes
i let him in, drink from his fat, ugly breasts
feel procrastination seep into my veins

i was useless, at his mercy, and i couldn't do a thing
my Christmas lights were up and it was May
i lost my job, didn't apply for a new one
i watched re-runs of Rugrats all day

it had to stop, so i bought a silver pistol
and the next time the demon arrived
i put the weapon to his head and said, "suckle yourself
if you've any desire to survive!"

he whimpered as he drank from his own fat breast
when he begged i stop, i didn't reply
a milk mustache formed above his fat lips
i said, "drink your own mammaries dry!"

i showed no mercy; didn't let him stop
made him gorge himself 'til he could only cough
and he hasn't been back to visit since then
i think he's been putting it off

Friday, December 16, 2011

I Don't Believe Any of This

There are not many places we can walk without being afraid of something. It’s a dark, twisty road through a spooky forest, this life is. And hasn’t anybody ever tried to teach you that life is grim?
The sun is just a common hallucination. Those initiated into life’s grimness rarely see it. Tell me: what are we defined by, if not our hallucinations?
We are like turtles: our heads in our shells when the sun is shining and our heads out of our shells in the dead of night. Don’t you know that turtles see the sun when they have their heads tucked in? The sun, like all mysteries, exists on the inside canvases of our eyes. We cannot help but create art in our minds—we do it instinctively, and see it at night while we snore.
And how can we really tell that we’re not just dreaming all the time? It could be that the times we’re “dreaming” are just the times that we’re dreaming that we’re dreaming. Yes, that’s right, we’re dreaming all the time and we won’t know until one day when we wake up. And the day we wake up could be our death, isn’t that funny? For all we know, death could just be a shift in consciousness. In fact, many people believe just that.
And to step ever so briefly away from anthropocentrism: do other animals fall in love? Because perhaps the beasts’ tongues are 20,000 leagues deeper than we ever expected.
But moving on: if life is a dark place, and the sun is a hallucination, how do we bring true brightness into our minds? Is it through love? Is it through dreaming about love?
This could be our fourth or fifth or six hundred thousandth life. It could be that we just experience amnesia of our past life each time we die. Maybe we had to live a lot of simpler lives before we could become complex.
When we dream, we step through an intangible sensory world, bloomed into being by our marvelous, super-processing brains. We are computer brains, and we are sometimes whimpering dogs at the mercy of our computer brains. We are computers in clumsy, hairy bodies; we have bowels, bones, intestines—even breasts.
Violence seems to come to us naturally. If, as a species, we are a small child, then bloodshed is our pull-duck, following us everywhere, wobbling and grinning. It’s a vicious world: a kaleidoscope of murders all across the globe. Wouldn’t we feel a bit unnerved if we really did see a girl with kaleidoscope eyes?
People do funny things. In an epoch we don’t remember we were put in People Wheels. These days, hamsters are considerably tinier and less despotic.
And if there are times that glimmer, they are the moments when we speak of magic, and when we entertain, just for a brief second, the possibility that magic might really exist.
Of course, I'm no witch trial judge or voodoo man. I don’t really believe in magic.
I only want to point out that as we grow older, we spend less and less time entertaining wild possibilities. When we are young, it comes to us as naturally as suckling from our mother’s breast. And what good, nutritious milk it was, too!
These days—and it’s a pity to say it—what we eat is mostly strange chemicals. We live packed together in cities, in cells, on top of each other, with fire escape ladders that no one ever thinks to use. Instead of escaping, we pay the rent and keep on living on top of each other, day after day, with window shades by Ikea.
It bears repeating that people do funny things. They flock to their own prisons. And what is so bad about real prison, where you can just sit and have your thoughts to yourself all day? It might offer a person some time for self-reflection, and that’s more than a lot of people seem to have time for.
When we think of prisoners, we think of “bad people.” We think of people who sell crack and steal cars and have unexplained bags of human feet in their freezer. But we would do these things too, if we had been born with different genes and circumstances. We develop an awful lot of pride about random lucky things that we weren't in the least bit responsible for.
And will we learn to cultivate humility to Life and Fate? We can do this while still creating our own futures. After all, it’s not the easiest thing in the world, but most people can rub their tummies and pat their heads at the same time.
As a warning, like a green “Mr. Yuck” sticker on a bottle of Drain-O: we may be subjected to pain in this life. In fact, pain is completely inescapable. But remember when we would get hurt as children? Countless skinned knees from all our misadventures. We shrugged them off—ate them, practically, like a dog eats his own fleas.
Not that I think there's any point in idealizing childhood. Perhaps in shrugging off our wounds as children, we only drove them deeper into our psyches, so that they bubble up years later at precisely the wrong moments, like when we’re forty and have two kids and a dog and suddenly read Nietzsche and run off to Peru.
And what does it mean to quit on life?
I think it means to live without wonder.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

No Bones About It

I get creeped out by skeletons
I’m terrified of skulls
I hate to see those bare-bone teeth
And cavernous eyeholes
I can’t stand to see a rib cage
And I always loathed the day
In Health class when I had to look
At knobby vertebrae
Yes, the thought of all those boney bits
Stuck inside me, out of sight
Made my poor patellas knock
With unalleviated fright
So I found a chiropractor
Dr. Fink Cornelius Grout
And said, “Owning bones is scary!
Kindly take the buggers out!”
So he did! Now I’m a sack of skin
Stuffed with blood and guts and gall
It’s great! I just sit in a clump on the floor
And I don’t feel creepy at all

Room of Silence

I made a Room of Silence
To block out honks and bells
And squeaks and squawks and screeches
And car alarms and yells
I blocked out sirens squalling
And the buzzing of the bees
I even blocked the sound of wind
A-whistlin’ through the trees
Yes, my walls were truly soundproof
Not a whisper could get in
I was totally protected
From the world’s obnoxious din
And as I was relaxing, finally,
In my silent den
I heard a very soft whoosh out
And a very soft whoosh in
“Drat! I have been foiled!” I thought
The sound was my own breath!
And I cried ‘cause my Room of Silence
Wouldn’t be silent ‘til my death.

I Didn't Get Enough Hugs Growing Up

I didn’t get enough hugs growing up
No, there weren’t enough hugs for me
And that’s truly shaped the person
That I’ve turned out to be
I don’t wipe my feet on doormats
Even if I’ve stepped in puddles
And I litter everywhere I go
‘Cause no one gave me cuddles
I make fun of all those bleeding hearts
Who care ‘bout human rights
‘Cause when I was a tyke nobody
Tucked me in at night
I’ll never say, “God bless you”
Or "Gesundheit" if you sneeze
That's how infrequently
I'd get a bear hug or a squeeze
I’ll point and laugh and mock
If someone trips on their shoelaces
I don’t open doors for people
‘Cause I never got embraces
I don’t tip waiters, don’t participate
In canned food drives
If only I had gotten
Friendly back-pats or high-fives
But I didn’t, so I’ll say to you
Or the world will overflow
With dirtbag meanies just like me


They say meditation is really quite pleasant
It allows you to focus--look! half-off sale!--on the present
They say that this focus is really relaxin'
That you learn to avoid--look! a billboard!--distraction
To be generous and patient, to admit when you’re wrong
To maintain—argh, this drive-through is taking too long!
To observe the world gently, with calm, alert eyes
To—No you can’t taste them! They're my cheesy fries!
You'll learn to plunge past the rational mind
To respect the earth's creatures--hey, pass the pork rinds!
To see infinite truth in each grain of sand
To live simply--check out my new tanning booth tan!
They say that deep breathing brings purification
That--rats, out of cigarettes! where's a gas station?
They say your mind's a locked door, and meditation's the key
But who needs it? Sounds boring. Let's go watch T.V.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Coconut Milk

Lee’s mother made coconut curry
With coconut milk from a can
He asked, “Where’s that stuff come from?”
She said, “It’s from Thailand.”
He asked, “Th-that’s milk, that stuff is?”
She nodded and added, “Don’t stutter”
And Lee thought of Thailand: a magical place
Where each coconut sports its own udder

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Holidays

How dull the calendar would be without our holidays
They’re the days we keep traditions, and traditions should be praised.
Oh, I do so love Thanksgiving, with its hidden eggs to find
And I love to watch the fireworks and wave flags on Valentine’s.
For Labor Day, I like to pinch the fools who don’t wear green
And it’s fun to watch the groundhog on T.V. each Halloween
On Columbus Day I look for pots of gold and leprechauns
And there’s nothing like a round of “Rudolph” during Ramadan.
Then lastly there is Kwanzaa, when we all eat latkes—yummy!
But Christmas’s tough, ‘cause I don’t have enough
toilet paper to dress as a mummy.

Writin' Poems

Now writin' poems is easy
I can churn 'em out lickety-split
But gettin' people to read 'em...
Well, that's the part I don't get.

Stolen Tomato Sauce

I snuck into a vampire's house
The vampire's name was Pidge
And I found Tupperwares of tomato sauce
Stacked up in Pidge's fridge
Well, I took some home and made pasta
My favorite kind--bowtie
But the tomato sauce was too salty
And not very thick. I wonder why?

The Right Writing Utensil

I had to write an essay, so I went to the zoo
To see Antarctic Birds in Exhibit 2
And when I write essays, I like to revise
So I looked for a pencilguin out on the ice
But I only saw penguins, and that made me blue
'Cause penguins don't erase, only pencilguins do

Itchy Tag

A size 5 tag on a little boy's shirt
Would pout, day out and day in:
"The back of this neck itches worse than heck!
I wish he'd cut off his skin."

Monday, December 5, 2011

Cindy and Lou

Cindy and Lou had bought new shoes
Heels for Cindy, and sneakers for Lou
“Those aren’t stylish,” said Cindy. “They’re worse than Uggs.”
But Lou didn’t mind; she simply shrugged
And as the girls walked down the narrow street
A zoo-escaped tiger was prowling for meat
So which one of the girls did he catch for his meal?
Well, tell me—are you good at sprinting in heels?


No, I don't want to talk face to face
That requires that I give you attention
I prefer to check Facebook or drive while I talk
Or do other things that I won't mention
And the other advantage of phone calls
Is that I can hang up anytime
Then later say, "AT&T dropped my call!
Can you believe that? What a crime!"
So no, let's not meet up for coffee
Making eye contact gives me the sweats
I converse best alone, so just call up my phone
Or better yet, send me a text.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Limerick Woes

A limerick writer named Neville
Wrote poems at a very high level
But he’d sometimes blurt curses
While writing his verses
SKANK BOLLOCKS! Well, speak of the devil.

A Poem to Sylvia

Sylvia, how fast thy youth has flown!
Thou art, I am afraid, an ancient crone
Upon thy cheeks, the wrinkles time’s bestowed
Around thy eyes, the furrowed feet of crows
Thy mouth is pinched up tightly—suck’st thou limes?
Thy back, once straight, now hunches, arced like time
The worms of age have burrowed in thy brain
Thy eyes are glassy, senile, old and tame
Thy desiccated larynx thins thy voice
Thou eat’st mush, thy throat gives thee no choice
Alas, old dog! No tricks now canst thy learn!
Thy lifeline tapers, narrows, like a fern
Thy—wait, what say’st thou? That thou art ONE?
That thou hast lived just twelve small months of fun?
Well then the world’s thy oyster! Slurp it up!
You hold the world inside your sippy cup!
You’ll find great treasures, grand parades of joy!
Time sits before you like a wind-up toy!
And shame on me for starting out this verse
With lines not meant for high chair, but for hearse!
Although I sometimes get the two confused…
Since life and death so beautifully are fused.

Small Talk

Hello, how are you?
I’m fine, how are you?
Good! The weather’s nice.
That’s certainly true.
How’s work working out?
I’m a snorf-gobbling elf!
Sorry, what did you say?
I said: well, and yourself?

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Around the creepy corner
Along the spooky road
Behind the scary dungeon
Nearby the one-eyed toad
Beneath the growing storm clouds
Just past the 'lectric chair
Is your birthday gift! A brand new bike!
Aren’t you glad I hid it there?

Hearing Voices

Doctor, I have this problem, see,
there’s voices in my head and I—what? You think I’m schizophrenic?
No, I just barely hear these voices, and I—what? You want to give me meds?
But that’s not the problem, it’s just that these voices—what?
You want to lock me up? You’re saying pack my stuff?
No, I don’t mind the voices, it’s just that they're so quiet I can barely hear them, can you tell me how to make them loud enough? I think I need a special type of hearing aid.


I have freakishly hot shoulder blades
But please don't fry bananas on them
I have an unusually frigid womb
But please don't keep your frozen lima beans in it
I have vacuum-sealing lips
But can't you just buy one of those FreshLock doohickeys?
I have lightning-quick sewing toes
But hemming another pant leg? Really? Would it kill you to grow your legs just three quarters of a goddamn inch?
I have egg-beater fingertips
But I swear Ill take your chickens to the middle of the woods and pluck them and tie cement bags to their claws and drop them in a lake if you ask for one more omelette
I have toasty hot hip bones but...
Okay fine I'll make you one more piece of toast.

Useful Tools

I can't
Do math in my head
I use a calculator.
I can't
Tell which way is North in my head
I use a compass.
I can't
Know when the steak is done in my head
I use a meat thermometer.
I can't
Make up erotica in my head
I use a calculator.
I can't
Tell if you're angry in my head
I use a compass.
I can't
Know if I will die soggy and wrinkled in my head
I use a meat thermometer.

Beware of Shark

You may have a sign that says: "Beware of Dog"
But my sign says: "Beware of Shark"
My guard shark has nine rows of razor sharp teeth
While your Doberman mostly just barks
Yes, my shark is so vicious he'll rip off the head
Of a thief who comes near my pig bank
He'll sink his jaws fast in potential assassins
...Or he would, were he not in a tank

A Pirate's Parrot Postulates What Precipitated An Eyepatch

I once was a pirate's parrot
But one time, when we'd both had some rum
My pirate smeared peanut butter
On his eyelid with his thumb.
Well, I'm nuts for peanut butter
And I figured, "Down the hatch!"
But my pirate yelped and whacked me
I'm the reason he now wears a patch

Tea with a Plastic Surgeon

A flat-chested woman named Lou
Had tea with a surgeon named Stew
She said, "May I request
That you implant some breasts?"
He said, "Certainly. One lump or two?"

Friday, December 2, 2011

A Blind Fish Seeks External Validation

A little blind fish was feeling blue
“Am I gifted?” he asked his mother
“Is there anything only I can do?
Am I unlike any other?
Does my future look sunny?
Will my life be a lark?”
Then CHOMP! Ain’t it funny?
His “mother” was a shark.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Hocused Pocused Crocus

A witch hocus pocused my crocus
Through a hole in my garden wall
She aimed her old wand with great focus
And mumbled, “Kazamagarawl!”
Now my crocus appears in odd places
Like inside the drain of my sink
Or stuck through my brand-new ballpoint pen
Where I could’ve sworn there was ink
I found it again in the tool shed
With its stem tied around an old saw
And then again during Thanksgiving
It popped out of old Aunt Midge’s bra
It showed up once more in my wallet
Where six bucks and two dimes used to be
And then it showed up in my teapot
And again in a bag of split peas
When I put two red socks in the dryer
And left them to dry for an hour
I scowled to find when I checked it
Just one lonely sock and that flower
Then the crocus appeared in my pantry
And once, when I ate soup at noon
The crocus appeared in my fingers
Which a second ago held a spoon
I once, by mistake, smoked the crocus
Though I’d just packed the pipe with hashish
And POOF—while out walking my Schnauzer
The crocus appeared on the leash!
Then the crocus showed up on my clock face
And always points to the wrong hour
And once when I peered in the mirror
I saw not my own face, but the flower’s!
Now if I thought it might make a difference
I think I would probably shout:
“Witch! You un-hocus pocus my crocus!
You’ve succeeded in creeping me out.”

We Don't Fit In

We don’t fit in; none of us do
We’re like size six feet in a size twelve shoe
We’re like embryonic penguins in monkey wombs
We’re like Mayan corpses in Egyptian tombs
We’re like paperboys at the royal ball
We’re like swear words on a grandma’s shawl
We’re like onions in a chocolate cake
We’re like thick fur on a slippery snake
We’re like Happy Meal toys in caviar tins
We’re like banana peels in recycling bins
We’re like a Catholic vegan at a kosher deli
We’re like a navel ring on an old nun’s belly
We’re like a rape scene in a Disney flick
We’re like pudding made with arsenic
We’re like strippers at a Mormon wedding
We’re like jungle dwellers going sledding
We’re like a newborn baby in a hearse
We’re like a jock strap in a woman’s purse
We’re like pumpkins carved at Christmastime
We’re like silent parrots and blabbering mimes
We want to be sexy, but we can’t say our R’s
We want to be Ferraris, but we’re beater cars
We’ll just never fit in, though it may be our goal
We’re all square pegs and the world’s a round hole.

A Bear and a Bee Shop for Underwear

A bear-sized bee and a bee-sized bear
Went shopping for some underwear
Well, the bear-sized bee chose a size 23
But the bee-sized bear's size wasn't there

The Fearsome Mustard Rat

I am the fearsome mustard rat
And when I see a hungry cat
Approach me with his drooly chops
I squeeze my bottle and kersplop!

Life vs. Afterlife

Of the Heaven’s Gate cult we ask, “Why?
Did those poor brainwashed souls have to die?”
But while they're out in space
On a wild comet chase
We’re stuck here working dull nine-to-fives

Societally Frowned Upon Alternatives to Salt and Pepper

While at home, a young fellow named Jude
Would use ashes to season his food
But at parties he learned
Not to reach for the urn
‘Cause the hosts seemed to think it quite rude

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Most Important Pills

Before I saw a shrink, my mind
Was full of mental ills
But I’m right as rain these days
Thanks to all my lovely pills!
I take pills to help me concentrate
And keep my mind from swimmin’
I take pills that calm my jitters
When I speak to pretty women
I take pills that wake me up
And make my eyes a bit less bleary
I take pills that make me happy
Even when the world is dreary
I take pills as well to fall asleep
And though it may seem silly
I take pills to help me harden up
Or soften down my willy
I take pills that help me do my work
And pills that calm my mood
And pills that help me curb
My appetite for certain foods
I take pills that make me remember
To take all the pills I take
But I’m terrified I’ll lose them
and live a pill-free life by mistake.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Twinkle Twinkle Little Brain

Twinkle twinkle little brain
How I wonder if you're sane
Cooped inside your small, dark skull
Dingbat, cheese-bump, frocksock, gull
Twinkle twinkle little brain
How I wonder if you're sane

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Original Humpty Dumpty

There once was a mass named Humpty
Who was infinitely dense and hot
And 13.7 billion years ago
He expanded quite a lot.
He formed hundreds of billions of galaxies
And 300 sextillion stars
And tucked in the vastness, a planet
Where people eat Milky Way bars.
Now the Universe still is expanding
Stretching out on an infinite plane
And all the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Can't put Humpty together again.

Monday, November 14, 2011

"Turn that Frown Upside Down!"

"You want friends? Turn that frown upside down!" my dad said
Which sounded like great advice
I was so excited to try it
That I turned my frown upside down twice
I thought my efforts would mean, of course,
That people would think I looked nice
But either overachieving is bad, or I got lousy advice.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


A woman divorced is a ctrl-z Mrs.
Discovered affairs are ctrl-z blisses
Apologetic tears are ctrl-z disses
And lovers' slaps are ctrl-z kisses

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Five Little Ducks

Five little ducks went out one day
Over the hill and far away
One said, “Life is nasty, brutish, and short.”
And shot himself on the spot.

Four little ducks went out one day
Over the hill and far away
One said, “Men lead lives of quiet desperation.”
And shot himself on the spot.

Three little ducks went out one day
Over the hill and far away
One said, “If God is omnipotent, omniscient, and perfectly good, why is there evil?”
And shot himself on the spot.

Two little ducks went out one day
Over the hill and far away
One said, “It is impossible to distinguish 'existence' from 'non-existence' as there are no objective qualities, and thus a reality, that one state could possess in order to discern between the two. If one cannot discern existence from its negation, then the concept of existence has no meaning; or in other words, does not 'exist' in any meaningful way.”
And shot himself on the spot.

One little duck went out one day
Over the hill and far away
“Today I shall picnic and nap!” he cried
“Much better that than suicide.”

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Banana Vanilla Soul Cake

You shouldn't trust an evil man to bake a cake.
He'll put in the eggs and flour and butter and baking soda and all that.
But then he'll mix in a thousand innocent souls.
And a few overripe bananas.
He'll mash everything up, bruising the poor souls like crazy, and then he'll put the batter in a cake pan, and the cake pan in the oven, and in forty-five minutes all the innocent souls will have been baked to death at 450 degrees.
You'll ask him, "Why did so many pure and sinless people have to die for the baking of your cake?"
And he'll say, "I was out of vanilla."

Thursday, November 3, 2011

What a Mouse Won't Do for Cheese

There once was a man named McSneeze
Who did drugs ‘til his brain turned to cheese
When he slept, mice crept in
Through his ears to begin
To devour as much as they pleased.

Ten Ways to Look Good in a Bathing Suit

friendly old people love us.
we're clumsy but so also are flamenco dancers sometimes.
we want a blue pony and a feathered cape.
somebody is listening to waterfalls somewhere.
we're hug-deficient.
our clothes are all dirty.
europeans are all going to burn holes in their lungs.
there are eels in the sea, right now, as we speak.
can you imagine mistaking a codfish for a codpiece?
mental existence is a limitless and incomprehensible void and magazines tell you ten ways to look good in a bathing suit.


If you are oviparous, your kid is in an egg
But if you’re viviparous, he comes out from ‘tween your legs
Now, if you’re histotrophic, then your baby ate his brothers
But women with placentas are called hemotrophic mothers
If you’re ovoviviparous, then you’re pregnant with your eggs
(Predicting when they’ll hatch is not the simplest thing to gauge)
And platypuses, I might add, are oviparous mammals
Which saves them from gestation (up to 16 months for camels!)
Now if you’re viviparous, there’s four types of uteri…
And if all this overwhelms you, I suggest you be a guy.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Dentist for Witches

I want to be a dentist for witches
I want to scrub their teeth shiny bright
I want to fill their rotten old cavities
And floss their blackened gums with all my might.
I want to have them rinse out with fluoride
And use the suction spit wand in their cheeks
I’ll do a root canal with nitrous oxide
And see them for a check-up in two weeks.
When the check-up’s done, they’ll get a travel toothbrush
And I’ll wag my finger, saying, “Keep ‘em clean!”
‘Cause you see, I have this theory that it’s toothaches
That makes witches act so gosh darn weird and mean.

A Tough Decision

I once knew a man who was not very clever
Or pleasant or smart or kind.
And one day he was forced to choose
To become either deaf or blind.
He said, “Well, blindness is nice because
There are so many ugly things
Just think! I’d never see poop or slime
Or a cockroach’s feelers or wings.”
“But deafness,” he mused, “has advantages too
‘Cause there’s so much unbearable noise
I’d never hear scrapes, slurps, burps or drips
Or the tantrums of two year old boys.”
And as he continued to think, he remembered
More ugly things he’d seen:
“If I were blind, I’d never see
a wound or a corpse or sardines.”
And he also remembered the awful sounds
That made his neck hairs freeze:
“If I were deaf, I’d never hear
A nose blow or a sneeze.”
So that by dusk, he couldn’t decide:
Did he like sight or hearing the most?
And when they asked him, “Deaf or blind?”
He answered assuredly, “Both.”

A Glimpse Into the Mind of a Patient Suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder

Please cuddle with me, Mr. Sun
It's winter and there is no one
to cuddle with against the breeze
Oh, Sun, you are an awful tease
to be so far above my head
Why can't you be inside my bed
and wrap your golden rays
around my shivery self? What praise
would bring you here, what bribe
would make you leave your azure sky
to come to me and snuggle tight
and comfort me against the night?
And yet with winter's shorter days
you seem so distant, far away
that I can't feel your heat
and so, I dream of when we'll meet
and hold each other tight and feel
each other's warmth and eat our meals
together. I'll spoon food into your mouth!
Oh, Sun, why is it warmer South?
And would you love me even more
if I lived at the equator?
That isn't fair, you know I find
I love you more than all the Southerners combined
You've always made me so enchanted
and I won't take you for granted
'cause I owe my life to you, and cannot beat
the wintery blues without your heat
Without your love, I am undone!
Please cuddle with me, Mr. Sun.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Sweet Milk

When we held hands, we drank the sweet milk. When we tried to light that Altoid tin on fire, we drank the sweet milk. When we ran into the forest and tripped on our shoelaces at the same time and fell face-first into the same mud puddle, we drank the sweet milk. When we stalked and killed a cockroach and then realized it was kind of an amazing animal and felt bad and had a funeral for it, we drank the sweet milk. When we stole suckers from the dentist who had pointy eyebrows and looked at us like we were baby crocodiles, we drank the sweet milk. When we thought the world was exploding that time we drank too much cough syrup, we drank the sweet milk. When we learned all the lyrics to Cruella DeVil’s theme song and sang it to the kids we babysat, we drank the sweet milk. When we made spooky noises inside the tunnel in the park and then accidentally tripped over a passed-out crack addict and gave the crack addict the uneaten half of our sandwich, we drank the sweet milk. When we graduated from college with a black eye because of the beer bottle we accidentally hit ourselves in the face with the night before while trying to juggle, we drank the sweet milk. When we traveled to Morocco with only a backpack and $35 dollars and a broken heart, we drank the sweet milk. And now when we try to cook toast and burn it but eat it and enjoy it anyway we drink the sweet milk. When we bike for miles and miles until the world drops off, we drink the sweet milk. When we go shopping and stare too long at the eggplants because they look somehow like deformed children, we drink the sweet milk. When we smell autumn and feel like kissing it, we drink the sweet milk. When we stroll through cemeteries at night just to spook ourselves, we drink the sweet milk. When we paint the house and don’t even open the windows for ventilation just to be on the wild side, we drink the sweet milk. When we carve a pumpkin and roast the seeds, we drink the sweet milk. When we help that old lady carry her groceries even though she looks like Freddy Krueger in a muumuu, we drink the sweet milk. When we wake up in the morning and take that dew-breath and think: “Woo-ee, I ain’t dead,” we drink the sweet milk. When we drink the sweet milk, we drink the sweet milk. When we speak in the royal we, we drink the sweet milk.

Foot Loose and Fancy Free

What a lovely thing to be
All foot loose and fancy free
Ain’t nobody here with a leash on me
I’m free as a beast or a bird.
The only thing I’ve got to do
Is feed myself and use the loo
Besides that there’s no social glue
To keep me locked up in a house.
I don't have kids to keep alive
No mortgage and no nine to five
No furniture, no car to drive
I’m just a sovereign mouse.
And so you’ll find me here and there
One backpack with clean underwear
And one toothbrush for dental care
Is all that’s on my back.
I’ll be one day in a river canoe
The next day in a chimney flue
And then next week in Timbuktu
There’s no predicting that.
For I think there's a magnet that pulls me along
A crazy one that's often wrong
But how to resist it? It’s much too headstrong
I guess I’ll just be its steel wool.
And I’m lucky as well that the magnet is me...
Which is why I am foot loose and so fancy free
Why there's nobody here with a leash on me
Why I’m free as a beast or a bird.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Memory Sweep

The chimney sweep is for chimneys
The memory sweep is for minds
He’s the reason you’ll never forget your own age
But your house keys you never can find
Yes, this is the job of this memory sweep:
He cleans informational soot
So you cannot remember the brand of your flour
But you know there’s five toes on each foot
He sweeps away memories of most of your meals
And most of the times you sipped tea
And sweeps away every darn thing that you did
Before ‘round the time you turned three
He sweeps away most of the books that you read
And most of the times you watched golf
But leaves intact some silly facts
Like the lyrics and tune of “Rudolph”
He sweeps away most of your math skills
And science he’s all but dismissed
Although he steers his dustpan clear
Of the time that you had your first kiss
Remember your lessons in Spanish?
Of course not—he’s swept them away
But he hasn’t removed the time that you got
Twelve bad bee stings in only one day
Yes, you may not have heard of this sweeper
But I swear that he lives in the brain
And I promise it’s his fault, not mine, that I can’t
For the life of me recall your name.

My Swivel Chair

I’m sitting in my swivel chair
I do so love to swivel
My swivel chair is true and sweet
And all the rest is drivel
I’ve got emails, emails, emails
(Writing back will take a while)
I’ve got graphs and charts to verify
And legal docs to file
I’ve got financial data
That I really must review
And I’ll talk to the accountant
About sales progress too
I’ve a meeting with executives
About this re-worked draft
But first I’ll make a PowerPoint
And double-check my math
I’ve got scheduling to manage
And Excel sheets to fill out
And my supervisor wants another update
I’ve no doubt.
Yes, I’m busy busy busy
And this office life is hell
But at least I’ve got my swivel chair
‘Cause swiveling is swell.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Achievement of Warbling

My, what warbles! We warble so sweetly to each other, to all men and women, and our warblings are echoed back to us, just as sweetly, as if under order by the Grand Boomerang. The Grand Boomerang knows: what beauty in the box of the voice! In its linkage to our war lungs, to our tired minds. What a literary escape is sleep, I say...what jewels are dreams...what frightening bliss it is to watch each other cry...if only we could spend all day asleep, crying, warbling...

Friday, October 7, 2011

Q & A about the Snack Mister

The great and wonderful Snack Mister has snacks for all who are snackless. He will put a snack under your pillow at night, and two snacks under your pillow if you are ill.
The snack mister is a kind of a superhero. He carries Cheez-Its, baby carrots, Capri Suns, and fruit roll-ups. He delivers snacks exactly when you don't need them: at night, when you are snoozing. This is because he's nocturnal; he doesn't have a choice. And anyway, you shouldn't complain, because after all, free snacks!
You can either eat them for breakfast or pack them in your lunch for school. If you get the baby carrots, I'm sorry, but just think about how much healthier you'll be. The rest of us will get diabetes at least three years before you. And even if you only get the carrots, you can brag to all your friends that the Snack Mister was at your house that night.
People have some questions about the Snack Mister. Does the Snack Mister ever hit the same house twice? The answer is yes, he does. He has his favorites. Blue houses, for example, which you might want to keep in mind if you're painting your house.
Another question: Has anyone ever woken up and caught the Snack Mister red-handed? Yes, a little girl named Gretchen. She's no longer with us. We're not sure why. Maybe she eloped with the Snack Mister. It's very unlikely that he kidnapped her. He's too nice of a guy. I mean, he hands out free snacks! So how bad could he be?
And the last question, the one that's been tugging at your mind the most: what does the Snack Mister look like? Well, eyewitness accounts say the Snack Mister looks like a caped, fist-sized ball of dough, with two arms, two legs, and small yellow eyes like flashlights. They say he can make snacks appear out of thin air.
One final question just for kicks: Where does the Snack Mister get the snacks? Well, as far as we know, no warehouses have been missing snacks. So we don't think he's a thief. He just makes them appear, snap of his fingers, POOF! Which makes me wonder what other kind of magic he's capable of...maybe, if he just applied himself, he could be so much more...

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steve Jobs

We could not bite into your orchard fruit
Or feel its crisp sweet in our teeth
Your gifts were more abstruse, packed with wires...
we slid our pointer fingers on the mandala of your music box...
tip-tapped on the keys of your smooth-screened genies...
held all the world and its tiny wings on your dial pad's beautiful grandchild...
and felt like passengers on the dolphin leap of your mind
giddy as we traced an arc above the past's mediocre seas.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Streets

"My, my," says the glutton
"The streets are made of meat!
Chicken lampposts, sausage sidewalks, parking meter pigs' feet!"
"No sir," says the cop-man
"The streets are made of crime!
Robber lampposts, sniper sidewalks, rapist parking meter dimes!"
"Ain't so," says the psychic
The streets are made of stars!
Libra lampposts, Pisces sidewalks, meters misaligned with Mars!"
Well, the glutton eats the lampposts
and the cop takes sidewalks' names
and the psychic palm-reads meters
but life all goes on the same.

Gourmet Exterminators

Two little men with pinky-stink eyes
Munchin' on fleas and cockroach fries
Chewin' on buzzy ol' black houseflies
Scarfin' postprandial pillbug pies
Eatin' all buggers that creeps and flies
Charmin' gents! ('spite their pinky-stink eyes)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Are you a Lola, Lily or Layla?

Lola, Lily and Layla went to an art gallery and looked at a pretty painting.
"That's nice," Lola said nicely, her guts full of sludge and sugar.
"Nothing is nice," Lily replied darkly, her bones full of gravel and dust.
"Koom-walla-oink-oom-zonka-zibble," Layla said, and her insides were bright, dancing chickens.

The River of the Oopsy Doopsy

Where have all the hobos gone?
Are they crackdown? Downtown? Wedding gown?
Perhaps they float, ripped coats, down the river of the oopsy doopsy.
We can't fire the righteous men
(we haven't hired them)
we can light them on fire in the river of the oopsy doopsy.
Are you postmodern? A postman? A Post-It? Post-op?
You just need one damp stamp, champ
Mail yourself right on down to the river, c/o the oopsy doopsy.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


We have no ideas.
We have nothing in us, nothing outside of us.
Our skin is made of glass.
Instead of blood and bones, we have only air.
We are supreme emptiness.
We are skinned weasels.
We are broken lightbulbs, bobcat toenails, sugar cubes.
We are sexy horribles.
Aspire to something? What for?
We are glorified gorillas,tangles of could-have-beens...
we are drunken kites, floating, because we are also drunken wind.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


At birth, we are kidnapped by Time, and become its slave.

Needless to say, we develop Stockholm syndrome.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A frivolous crab

There once was a frivolous crab
Who thought that his outfit was drab
He took off his shell
And say "Gee I look swell!"
But by seagulls he quickly was nabbed

A rather hungry mermaid

A rather hungry mermaid
Once went fishing in the sea
She said: "I'm so darn starved,
I'd eat a fish as big as me!"

Well by the by she caught one
And although it had no head
She went and chomped upon it...
Drat! It was her tail instead.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

What I Have

I have, what I have, you know, what there is to have. There is, to have some things, I have them. There is war, because I have, because I have some things. Sometimes, see things, bright flashes, or things of war, things that come from the other people, the people who are fighting. Someone having a war, someone fighting, is connected to me, because any struggle is my struggle, all struggle is what I have. There I was, on the island, legs blowing up like lips blowing up like love blowing up like war. It’s not so bad, fighting, the ladies love a war hero, and I thought, he’ll blow up me, y’know, or I’ll blow up him…blow up that asshole, no, literally, someone got his asshole blown up. A life with no asshole, what a soldier, I have no more thoughts about soldiers or war. I wouldn’t think anymore after what in the hospital, the nurses, think they know war, what’s a chick with tits know about it. What I have now is okay, I don’t need school, there are some people dying, that’s okay too. You could chop parts of me off, most parts aren’t a picnic anyway. You shouldn’t talk, you fucking manatee eater. You think you can eat a fucking manatee, that’s cannibalism man. What we need is a god, a new god, with a hat on. The new god wears a hat that says ‘Party like it’s 1999.’ I’d send Him to war.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

In the soft, soft night

In the soft, soft night
When the pigeons coo
The sweet little elves
prepare the morning's dew
They dress each blade of grass
In a little dew-bonnet
So that in the morning
You'll surely slip on it.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

if only

if we were like flamingos, and our skin was the color of the food we ate most, then i'd fill up on frosted sprinkled donuts and be a beauty, while you, kale lady, would look like a wicked witch.

Monday, August 15, 2011


A noise of footsteps is heard: pit-pat! pit-pat!
Someone sneaky has gone haunting.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Quote from a 3 year old, #2

3 year old, pointing at a picture of a fairy: "Is that the king fairy?"
Adult: "Yes"
3 year old: "Where are his crocodile stains?"
Adult: "What are crocodile stains?"
3 year old: "They're stains that you get from crocodiles,silly!"

Quote from a 3 year old

My feelings can talk and walk and boink and have toothpaste inside them and they are toothpaste and they can go round and round on the carousel and they can go round and round on the ferris wheel.

Using the Whole Animal

My chicken feet bra
One tit per claw
Ain't the worst of all my clothes
(I wear intestine pantyhose)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Luckily Average

Pretty faces draw attention
Make you want to stare awhile
Soaking up the fine aesthetics
Of bright eyes and contoured smiles

But it’s true that ugly faces
Equally entrancing are
For no gaze neglects to lock
Upon a misshaped nose or scar

So if you’re neither ugly duckling
Nor a stunning beauty queen
Then lucky you! You won’t be gawked at
What a treat, to just be seen.

Monday, June 13, 2011


A policeman named Mr MacRelph
stole a closet, a stove and a shelf
He was tired by the time
he completed the crime,
so he went and a-rested himself.

Monday, February 7, 2011

A Duck's Debt to a Spider

A handicapped duck named Miss Rose
Moved slower than James Joyce’s prose
Until a kind spider
Crawled right up beside her
And spun a nice web for her toes

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Hidden Kangaroo

A man tripped and fell on a kangaroo that was under his bedroom carpet. He knew at once the lump was a kangaroo because of its kanga-rump and roo-ish tail.
“Hey, kangaroo,” he said. “How did you get under there? I have wall-to-wall carpeting. No way for you to squeeze in.”
“I am frightened,” peeped the kangaroo, and sure enough, the man noticed that the kangaroo lump was quivering slightly under the carpet.
“There, there,” said the man. “I am sure we can get you out.”
“No,” said the kangaroo. “I am frightened because I am not useful.”

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Smell 'Em While You Can

A shrink who was known as McSnowpeas
Sniffed his patients, and then gave prognoses
He said with a snort,
“My dears, life is short...
So take time to smell the neuroses.”

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Del(h)i Belly

There once was a lad in Old Delhi
Who bought some cold cuts that were smelly
He announced, “This old meat
Is disgusting to eat.
Next time I’ll buy from the New Delhi.”

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Note to Self

Note: Buttercrunch Toffee is so delicious it hurts to eat. The pleasure becomes so pleasurable that it passes the pleasure limit and becomes unpleasurable.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Tripping Upright

A man said, “What I’ll never get
Is why people say shrooms make you trip.
I ate half a pound
And went dancing around
But I never once stumbled or slipped.”

The Importance of Specificity in One's Will

Said Tim Flin, “Make it say on my grave:
My name, and beneath that: The Brave,”
Well, soon he was dead
And that’s just what it said:
With “My name, and beneath that” engraved

The Parable of Yerrible

“I do think that women look terrible
In skimpy bikinis,” said Yerrible
“The burka-clad chicks
Are the ones that I’d pick
‘Cause their beauty is simply un-bare-able.”

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Last Supper

For his last meal on Death Row, Old Fred
(Before getting shot in the head)
Ate cakes, pork, steak, fries
And twelve elephant thighs—
Turns out the meal killed him instead.

What You're Accustomed To

In the middle of winter, Aunt Midge
Walked nude on the Tappan Zee Bridge
And although it did storm
She felt perfectly warm
‘Cause she normally lived in her fridge