Friday, October 24, 2014

The You and Me Bucket

Here we are stuck in the you and me bucket
We tried to get out once, but then we said fuck it
A bucket's a fine place to be for us two
There's a chair here for me and a chair here for you
There's not room for much else, but what else would we need?
You're already wearing your suit of green tweed
I'm already wearing my slippers and gown
So why would I grumble or hem-haw and frown?
We're complete! And I don't miss the non-bucket world
Where A-bombs and H-bombs and F-bombs are hurled
It's scary out there, but it's safe here with you
It's extremely unlikely that we'll catch the flu
It's our very own quarantine, isn't it grand
That my one occupation is holding your hand
Shucks, this you and me bucket will suit us just fine
'Cause the time that we spend here is just yours and mine.