Friday, April 6, 2018


From the great city with its hardened heart of pavement
The worker left his corporate job to go a-sailing

“Oh-ho! To sail! A merry trip! A jaunt upon the sea!
The ocean’s hypnotic and pregnant with love!
What a joyous young sailor is me!”

The worker faced many storms and hardships
But although his hands were scarred and his overalls torn, his spirit remained buoyant and unburdened.

“Oh-ho! To sail! A merry trip! A jaunt upon the sea!
The ocean’s hypnotic and pregnant with love!
What a joyous young sailor is me!”

One day, at port in Aruba, a mermaid called out to the sailor from just offshore
She had full, naked breasts and eyes that shone like oyster pearls

“Oh-ho! To sail! A merry trip! A jaunt upon the sea!
The ocean’s hypnotic and pregnant with love!
What a joyous young sailor is me!”

The mermaid swam alongside the worker’s ship from then on
The two were enamored and had frequent oceanic trysts
Soon, they gave birth to a half-boy, half-fish

“Oh-ho! To sail! A merry trip! A jaunt upon the sea!
The ocean’s hypnotic and pregnant with love!
What a joyous young sailor is me!”

This half-boy, half-fish grew up seasick, hated his father, forever unsatisfied
Why couldn’t he just have a normal job, an office job on land?
And so, the next time they were in Boston, they dropped off fish-boy, so he could pursue his dream of corporate servitude.

Legend has it he’s still submitting resumes.