Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Letter X

Poor letter X is so unloved

So feared and so abused

In all the English language

It’s hardly ever used

Why did the X deserve its fate?

It’s certainly no crook

But it’s hated all around the world

By authors of alphabet books

“Oh, why won’t more words start with X!”

The whiny authors moan

“We’ve already used up x-ray

And we’re sick of xylophone!”

“I’d do anything for a new X word,” pouts Xena

“Except travel the globe.”

“Why’s that?” asks the author Xerxes

“What are you, a xenophobe?”

“Xenophobe!” cries Xena

“An lovely new X-word!”

“In an alphabet book?" Xerxes replies

Come on, don’t be absurd.”

“We might as well teach the word xanthic

Which means ‘of or pertaining to yellow’

Now what kind of 5-year old wants to read that?

He’d have to be quite an odd fellow.”

"Or try using xerophilous

Which means 'plants that prefer to be dry'

Squish that between “walrus” and “yellow”

Go on, I dare you! Try!"

“And what would parents think

About a word like xenograft?

They’d think the book pretentious!

They’d think the authors daft!”

“And then there's xenobiotic

Which means a foreign chemical

Try putting that in a children’s book

I tell you, it’d be polemical!”

“The words X-ray and xylophone

Are the only that don't create panics

Although I suspect, in this day and age

The kids will soon learn the word Xanax.”

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