Thursday, July 16, 2009

An Unapeeling Encounter

I was in Alabama
When I met a banana
Just a-strollin’ down the street
He was plump and yeller
And the strangest feller
I’d ever had the chance to meet

He thought it good taste
To pick me up by my waist
And hold me against his ear
He used my stomach to dial
Then chatted for a while
Which I thought was rather queer

“That was fun,” he said
Then, starting at my head
He peeled the skin from my flesh
Once my skin was in strips
He held me up to his lips
Declaring, “Ooh, this one’s ripe and fresh!”

It must have been a sight
To watch him take a big bite
Of my skinless, bloody head
He ate me up in a wink
Or at least, that’s what I think
Because by this point I was dead

My skin he didn’t keep
He just left it in a heap
For the next banana coming down the path
Then he hid behind a wall
To watch the other one slip and fall
And they both shared a hearty laugh

Now I bet you’d never think
Even if you’d had a drink
That you could be a snack for a banana
But this story ain’t fake
And it’s a risk you take
When you go to Alabama


  1. "It must have been a sight
    To watch him take a big bite
    Of my skinless, bloody head
    He ate me up in a wink
    Or at least, that’s what I think
    Because by this point I was dead"


    !את גאונית
